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Our Programmes

Stimulation and Academic Program

The baby stimulation program prioritizes meticulous monitoring and assessment of each milestone in a baby's developmental journey. To achieve this, a well-designed and structured brain development program has been crafted for specific phases: 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, and 12-18 months. The goal is to encourage holistic child development and mitigate the risk of future learning difficulties. Each milestone is carefully leveled, ensuring the successful implementation of the program at each phase. 

The academic program for toddlers aligns with age-appropriate outcomes determined by universal developmental milestones and skills. Structured daily routines ensure sufficient time is dedicated to various learning areas, promoting the development of well-rounded and enthusiastic learners with a genuine love for learning. The program includes time for music, technology, and art activities, fostering well-mannered individuals with strong Christian values. 

Weekly or biweekly thematic investigations provide a platform for acquiring new knowledge about the environment. Core focuses are on mathematics, literacy (languages), and gross motor skills. The program incorporates subject integration, meaning that mathematics is seamlessly integrated into subjects like art. Despite its play-based approach, the program follows leveled weekly lesson plans to address all outcomes. 

The Grade R program is designed to prepare learners for Grade 1. The academic focus is on core subjects, including technology skills such as coding. Phonetic awareness and writing skills form an integral part of daily learning, emphasizing pronunciation and proper speech use in literacy lessons. In mathematics, the program covers number concepts, mental mathematics, patterns, sequencing, measurement, and data handling. 

Grade R learners aim to achieve school readiness by the end of the academic year. 

Our Programmes

Key Components


Babies (3 – 18 months)

A baby massage program. Full lesson plans for each learning area (literacy, mathematics, English, art, gross motor). Weekly assessments to track individual baby progress. 'Reading' activities to foster a love for reading. Phase reports issued after the completion of each phase.


Toddlers (2 - 5 Years)

Thematic discussions. Structured lesson plans. Weekly assessments of each individual child. Music lessons. 'Reading' activities to nurture a love for learning. Introduction of technology skills. Termly progress reports.


Grade R

Thematic discussions. Structured lesson plans. Weekly assessments of each individual child. Music lessons. 'Reading' activities focusing on phonetic awareness and three-letter word building. Introduction of technology skills. Termly progress reports.

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We aspire to develop future leaders who are rounded and confident in their ability to make a positive difference in the world.

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